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Smarthotel creates activity and added value with Loyall’s Mews integration

Smarthotel is a Norwegian chain with 6 hotels in several of the country's largest cities. The chain's concept is "to offer accommodation in a smart, high-quality package." They do this by providing well-equipped hotel rooms ranging from 8 to 40 square meters at a very good price.

Smarthotels feature pleasant lobbies with a bar, TV lounge, smart shop, and a delightful Scandinavian breakfast buffet. Additionally, they have dedicated work areas, making the hotels suitable for both business and leisure travelers.

🔵 Case Study
Oct 16, 2023
Loyalty, Direct Bookings, and Member Events

Smarthotel aimed to increase the percentage of direct bookings while also acquiring a user-friendly and GDPR-compliant way to communicate with their guests. By integrating Loyalls' solution into the booking engine Bookvisit and the PMS system Mews, Smarthotel has given guests the opportunity to register and redeem benefits through multiple channels. Thanks to the PMS integration, receptionists can already check and redeem benefits on behalf of the guest during check-in.

With Smartmember, Smarthotel has elevated the guest experience to a new level. For instance, they have used the program to create a complete digital guest journey, where members receive emails before and after each stay.

Bonus accrual and member discounts are only applicable when members book directly. These benefits are, therefore, crucial drivers in reducing the percentage of OTA (Online Travel Agency) bookings. Smarthotel has also gained access to a user-friendly and efficient tool for member management, providing them with better insights and understanding of their guest base. Management can, for example, see which room types are most popular and adjust the benefits accordingly.

The program was also used to organize an Easter egg hunt at the hotels during Easter 2023. Members received clues in their member profiles that they could use to find the eggs. The lucky winners discovered both gift cards and snacks.

Outstanding Results

Smartmember was launched in February 2023. The various integrations, along with the efforts of leaders and staff, have since greatly assisted Smarthotel in achieving its guest loyalty goals. As of July 2024, we can report the following results:

Similar to Classic Norway Hotels, Smarthotel now has complete insight into the revenue generated by each campaign. Particularly impressive results are seen in their OTA reduction email, which all guests receive 100 days after checkout. In this email, guests are reminded why they should book directly for their next stay, and their bonus balance is made visible.

Click here to read more about OTA-reduction
The collaboration with Loyall has given us the opportunity to conduct loyalty work in an efficient manner. We can now offer our members the right benefits, and it is highly beneficial for us to be able to communicate both before, during, and after their stay. We see that our members are satisfied with the benefits they receive and often choose to book directly. That's why we say, 'It pays to be a member!'                                                                                  - Janne Isene, Sales Manager at Smarthotel.

Our summarized experiences:

Remember to visit Smarthotel's website the next time you plan a hotel stay in Norway. You'll have the opportunity to join Smartmember, so you can also experience the member benefits and participate in the tailored guest journey.

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